Dozens of residents on a street in Narberth have signed a letter demanding steps are taken to make their road and footpaths safe – with one 92-year-old who has lived at her home for some 30 stating – “I can’t leave my own home now for fear that I’ll fall!”

Homeowners at Queens Court in the market town say that the road surface has never been finished and that the condition of the tarmac outside their properties is now becoming dangerous.

More than 30 people have signed a letter, presented to County Councillor Marc Tierney this week, calling for Pembrokeshire County Council to take steps to resolve an ongoing dispute with the original developer of the site that could eventually allow the local authority to formally adopt the carriageway in future.

As the road is currently private, the Local Authority has no power to enforce parking restrictions which local residents say makes life difficult as cars often park there without permission instead of using the public car park near by.

Local resident, 92-year-old Lottie Davies, who has lived at her home in the Close since it was first built some thirty years ago said: “I can’t leave my own home now without assistance for fear that I’ll fall on the uneven paths.

“The road is unfinished with all the raised kerb stones and manholes that someone could easily trip over and hurt themselves. As residents, we need the council to enforce the planning permission that was granted and we want the road finished.”

Cllr Tierney was presented with a letter outlining the frustrations of local residents when he met with a group of them to hear their concerns.

He remarked: “Sadly, the issues affecting residents at Queens Court are not unique and cases like this can be complex. The residents of Queens Court cannot afford to finish the road and pavements themselves.

“From the paperwork I have seen, it seems that responsibility rests with the original developer when planning permission was granted by the old South Pembrokeshire District Council.

“It cannot be right that developments can be left in this state – and in an increasingly dangerous state such as is the case at Queens Court. I will be raising this matter with the Cabinet Member for Services at Pembrokeshire County Council.”

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